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Multiple Inheritance
in Object-Oriented
Attribute Grammars
J. Grosch
Compiler Generation
Multiple Inheritance in Object-Oriented Attribute Grammars
Josef Grosch
Feb. 25, 1992
Report No. 28
Copyright c 1992 GMD
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH
Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe
Vincenz-Priesznitz-Str. 1
D-7500 Karlsruhe
Multiple Inheritance in Object-Oriented Attribute Grammars
Josef Grosch
GMD Forschungsstelle an der Universitaet Karlsruhe
Vincenz-Priesznitz-Str. 1, D-7500 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract Object-oriented attribute grammars are a promising notation for
language specifications. They have similar benefits as object-orientation in
the area of programming languages. They support a compact and flexible style
for language specifications. Existing definitions can be easily reused as well
as the associated default behaviour. New definitions can be derived from
existing ones by specialization. While previous approaches have been res-
tricted to single inheritance this paper defines object-oriented attribute
grammars with multiple inheritance. A system has been developed that processes
those attribute grammars. We describe an example that uses multiple inheri-
tance and compare the terminology and concepts of related areas.
Keywords attribute grammar, object-orientation, multiple inheritance
1. Introduction
Object-oriented attribute grammars have been introduced by several authors (e.
g. [Gro90a, Hed89]) as a promising notation for attribute grammars. An over-
view of the current state of the art in this area is given in [Kos91]. The
benefits are comparable to those of object-oriented programming languages. It
is a concise notation and flexible notation for language specifications. The
reuse of existing definitions is supported by the possibility to specify new
definitions as extensions or specializations of existing ones. The duplica-
tion of information is avoided because common parts can be "factored out".
While the main building blocks of object-oriented programming languages
are classes, the nonterminals play this part in object-oriented attribute
grammars. More precisely, the notions nonterminal and production rule are uni-
fied. This means that there is exactly one production rule for every nontermi-
nal. Additionally, a relation between nonterminals is specified, for example
using chain rules, which describes a subtype relation or class hierarchy among
the nonterminals. This subtype relation serves for two purposes. First, it
allows to derive several different strings from one nonterminal because a non-
terminal may be replaced by a right-hand side corresponding to a nonterminal
that is a subtype of the replaced one. Second, the subtype relation describes
the path for inheritance among the nonterminals. The items that are subject to
inheritance are right-hand side elements, attributes, and attribute computa-
tions. Inherited attribute computations may be overwritten in the subtype by
giving different computations for the same attributes.
Before we proceed we have to clarify the terminology: Originally,
context-free grammars as well as attribute grammars are derivation systems for
strings. In this paper we are interested in the specification of semantic
analysis which is based on an abstract syntax tree. Therefore we use grammars
to describe the structure of trees instead of strings.
In order to avoid confusion between the terms class, nonterminal, terminal,
and (sub)type we will use the term node type to cover all those meanings. The
term node type is motivated through a realistic description of what is happen-
ing: The node types specify the structure of the nodes of the abstract syntax
The attributes in attribute grammars are usually classified as synthesized and
inherited. Following Hedin [Hed89] we use the term ancestral attribute
instead of the standard inherited attribute since we use the term inherited in
the object-oriented sense.
There is one problem that arises especially from the combination of
ancestral attributes and inheritance. Let A, B, and C be node types and let B
be a subtype of A (B A) having one ancestral attribute x. If the right-hand
side of C contains an A, we have to know whether to compute the attribute A.x
or not. The static type is A, but the dynamic type can be any subtype, that is
A or B. If it is B we have to compute A.x, if it is A we may not compute it.
The notions node type, subtype, and right-hand side are defined in section 2.
There are several solutions to this problem. First, one can restrict the
definition of ancestral attributes to top level node types, only. This makes
the reuse of existing node types very hard in particular in combination with
multiple inheritance.
Second, one could use a dynamic dispatch technique which inspects the
dynamic type of the right-hand side child and decides during runtime whether
to compute A.x or not. This solution is rather inefficient because of its run-
time overhead.
Most existing systems therefore allow single inheritance, only, with the
additional restriction that ancestral attributes have to be defined at top
level node types. The last restriction is not severe because it somehow coin-
cides in a natural way with the style of usual attribute grammars. Hedin
[Hed89] follows this argumentation and calls object-oriented attribute gram-
mars having the above problem not well formed.
This paper introduces a third solution to the above mentioned problem. It
allows for a restricted form of multiple inheritance and still retains the
capability to decide at generation time which ancestral attributes have to be
computed. Attribute evaluators can still be implemented efficiently as dynamic
dispatch is avoided.
In section 2 we formally define object-oriented attribute grammars with
single inheritance. Section 3 contains two simple examples using single
inheritance. Section 4 extends the definition of object-oriented attribute
grammars to multiple inheritance. Section 5 presents an elaborate example
with multiple inheritance. In section 6 we compare our approach with pure
attribute grammars and with object-oriented programming in order to reveal the
common properties as well as the differences. Section 7 summarizes the
2. Single Inheritance
This section formally defines the principles of object-oriented attribute
grammars with single inheritance. As starting point we shortly recall the
traditional definition of attribute grammars [Knu68, Knu71].
An attribute grammar is an extension of a context-free grammar. A
context-free grammar is denoted by G = (N, T, P, Z) where N is the set of non-
terminals, T is the set of terminals, P is the set of productions, and Z N is
the start symbol, which cannot appear on the right-hand side of any production
in P. The set V = N U T is called the vocabulary. Each production p P has
the form p: X -> A where X N and A V*. The relation (directly derives) is
defined over strings in V* as follows: if p: X -> A, p P, @XC V*, @AC V*
then @XC @AC. The relation * is the transitive and reflexive closure of .
The language L(G) is defined as L(G) = { w | Z * w }.
An attribute grammar augments a context-free grammar by attributes and
attribute computations. A set of attributes is associated with each symbol in
V. Attribute computations are added to every production describing how to
compute attribute values in the local context of a production. This simple
view of attribute grammars shall suffice for the scope of this paper.
In general there can be several productions having the same nonterminal
on the left-hand side. This allows for different derivations starting from
one nonterminal. In object-oriented attribute grammars, one production is per-
mitted for one left-hand side symbol, only. This way the notions production
and nonterminal (vocabulary respectively) are unified and are termed node type
as already mentioned. Several different derivations are made possible through
the newly introduced subtype relation.
An object-oriented attribute grammar is formally denoted by G = (N, T, A,
C, Z) where N is the set of nonterminals, T is the set of terminals, A is the
set of attributes, C is the set of attribute computations, and Z is the start
symbol (Z N). The set NT = N U T is called the set of node types. Each ele-
ment n NT is associated with a tuple n: (R, B, D, S) where R NT* is the
right-hand side, B A* is the set of attributes, D C* is the set of attribute
computations, and S NT is the base type.
The elements of NT induce a relation (subtype) over NT as follows: if
n: (A, B, D, m) NT then n m. m is called base or super type, n is called
derived type or subtype. The relation is transitive: if n m and m o then n
The relation (directly derives) is defined here only for the context-
free or syntactic part of an object-oriented attribute grammar. There are two
possibilities for derivations which are defined over strings in NT* as fol-
if @niC NT* andn1: (A1, B1, D1, n0) NT,
n2: (A2, B2, D2, n1) NT,
. . .
ni: (Ai, Bi, Di, ni-1) NT then @niC @A1A2 . . . AiC.
if @nC NT* and m n then @nC @mC.
We assume the existence of a predefined node type n0: (, , , -) with empty
components. In a direct derivation step, a node type can be replaced by its
right-hand side (A1 . . . Ai) or by one of its subtypes (m). All replacing
right-hand sides are the union of right-hand sides according to the subtype
hierarchy. The relation * is the transitive and reflexive closure of . The
language L(G) is defined as L(G) = { w | Z * w }.
The subtype relation has the following properties: a derived node type
inherits the right-hand side, the attributes, and the attribute computations
from its base type. As consequence of the transitive nature of this relation,
a derived type inherits all the components from all base types according to
the subtype hierarchy. It may extend the set of inherited items by defining
additional right-hand side elements, attributes, or attribute computations.
All accumulated right-hand side elements and attributes must be distinct
because they are united. An attribute computation for an attribute may
overwrite an inherited one.
3. Example
We implemented an attribute grammar system called ag based on object-oriented
attribute grammars which is part of the Karlsruhe Toolbox for Compiler Con-
struction [GrE90]. It supports the kinds of single and multiple inheritance
described in this paper. The following examples of object-oriented attribute
grammars with single inheritance are written in the specification language of
ag. The language tries to adhere to the conventional style of context-free
grammars as far as possible. It offers far more features for practical usage
than can be explained here. The interested reader is referred to the user's
manual [Gro89].
An attribute grammar is given in the form of nested node type defini-
tions. The nesting expresses the subtype hierarchy or the subtype relation. A
node type definition consists of properties of the node type followed by a
list of subtype definitions enclosed in angle brackets < >. The properties
include the structural or syntactic definition (right-hand side), attribute
definitions, and attribute computations.
Example 1:
Expr = [Value: INTEGER] { Value := 0; } <
Add = Lop: Expr Rop: Expr { Value := Lop:Value + Rop:Value; } .
Sub = Lop: Expr Rop: Expr { Value := Lop:Value - Rop:Value; } .
Const = Integer { Value := Integer:Value; } .
> .
Integer = [Value: INTEGER] .
The example describes the evaluation of primitive expressions. Attribute
definitions are given in brackets [ ]. The attribute Value is associated with
all subtypes of Expr with a default computation "Value := 0;". The attribute
computations are written in curly brackets { }. The computations for the node
types Add, Sub, and Const overwrite the computation given in the base type
The structural or syntactic definition is given as a sequence of node
type names, possibly prefixed by a selector (Lop, Rop) allowing unambiguous
access to the component structures.
Example 2:
Stats = <
NoStat = .
Stat = Next: Stats [Pos: tPosition] <
If = Expr Then: Stats Else: Stats .
While = Expr Stats .
Call = Actuals [Ident: tIdent] .
> .
> .
Example 2 describes a possibility for the specification of the abstract
syntax of statement sequences. The example uses the node type Stats to
describe a sequence and the node type Stat to describe various statements. The
node types are related as subtypes showing a non-trivial subtype relation of
nesting depth two. The subtype relation is: NoStat Stats, Stat Stats, If
Stat, While Stat, Call Stat. In Example 2 the node types If, While, and
Call inherit the child Next of type Stats and the attribute Pos from the base
type Stat. They add their own children and attributes.
4. Multiple Inheritance
The problem with multiple inheritance mentioned in the introduction can be
solved if we distinguish two kinds of types: node types and abstract types.
An abstract syntax tree is constructed only out of nodes whose type is a node
type - there are no nodes whose type is an abstract one. While the node types
describe production rules or tree nodes the abstract types describe concepts.
An object-oriented attribute grammar with multiple inheritance is for-
mally denoted by G = (N, T, K, A, C, Z). N, T, A, C, Z represent the same
entities as in the single inheritance case. In particular the set NT = N U T
represents the set of node types. K is the set of abstract types. Every ele-
ment n NT is now associated with a quintuple n: (R, B, D, S, L) where R, B,
D, and S are as before. Every element k K is associated with a quintuple k:
(R, B, D, U, L) where U K is the base type for the single inheritance mechan-
ism and L K* is the set of base types for the multiple inheritance mechanism.
We have two inheritance mechanisms which operate simultaneously. Multiple
inheritance behaves similar as single inheritance: A subtype inherits all pro-
perties (right-hand side, attributes, attribute computations) from all its
base types.
Why do we need two mechanisms for inheritance? We retained single inheri-
tance for two reasons: First, it is good to be compatible with existing attri-
bute grammars written in the single inheritance style. Second, the single
inheritance notation allows to adhere largely to the conventional style of
writing context-free grammars.
The above definition for object-oriented grammars with multiple inheri-
tance distinguishes two levels (see Fig. 1). The set of abstract types
represents the abstract or conceptual level. These types model concepts and
properties which are common to several node types or even to different pro-
gramming languages. Abstract types are not used for nodes in the syntax tree.
The set of node types represents production rules of a context-free grammar.
The node types describe the constructs of a programming language. Node types
are used to classify the nodes in a syntax tree.
Fig. 1: Inheritance among abstract types and node types
The above definition of multiple inheritance allows multiple inheritance
among abstract types and from abstract types to node types. Among node types,
single inheritance is available, only. Ancestral attributes may be defined for
all abstract types and for top level node types. With this restriction it is
statically known for all children of all nodes whether ancestral attributes
have to be computed or not.
5. Example
In this section we present a rather elaborate example for an object-oriented
attribute grammar with multiple inheritance. The example is an excerpt from a
specification of the demo language MiniLAX [Gro90b]. The attribute computa-
tions are written directly in the implementation language which is Modula-2.
Example 3:
MODULE SymbolTable
DECLS := [Objects: tObjects THREAD OUT] <
DECL := Next: Decls IN [Ident: tIdent IN] [Pos: tPosition IN]
{ Next:ObjectsIn := mObject (ObjectsIn, Ident);
ObjectsOut := Next:ObjectsOut;
CHECK NOT IsDeclared (Ident, ObjectsIn)
==> Error ("identifier already declared", Pos); } .
> .
ENV := [Env: tEnv INH] .
USE <- ENV := [Ident: tIdent IN] [Object: tObjects SYN OUT]
{ Object := Identify (Ident, Env);
CHECK Object^.Kind # NoObject
==> Error ("identifier not declared", Pos); } .
SCOPE <- ENV := [Objects: tObjects SYN] [NewEnv: tEnv SYN]
{ Objects := mNoObjects ();
NewEnv := mEnv (Objects, Env); } .
END SymbolTable
The attribute grammar module in Example 3 describes an abstract symbol
table. It is termed abstract because we deal with entities called objects
which are not further specified. The symbol table handles declarations of
objects, applications (uses) of objects, and scopes. It does not specify what
kind of objects are to be declared, where those objects are used, and which
constructs are associated with scopes. We use all upper-case names to denote
abstract types.
The first three definitions describe lists of abstract declarations. A
declaration DECL is characterized by an identifier and a reference to a
succeeding declaration. The identifier is described by two attributes Ident
and Pos holding an internal representation and a source position. The right-
hand side child with the selector Next and the node type Decls refers to the
succeeding declaration.
A list of declarations (DECLS) is either empty (NODECLS) or starts with
one element of type DECL. The list has a threaded attribute called Objects.
This threaded attribute actually stands for two attributes called ObjectsIn
and ObjectsOut. The attribute computations given for DECL in curly brackets {
} use this threaded attributes(s) to collect all declared objects in a list.
They make use of functions from an external data type. mNoObjects creates an
empty list, mObject adds a description of an object to a list, and IsDeclared
checks for multiple declarations. The latter function is used in a condition
(CHECK) that issues an error message in case of multiple declarations.
The abstract type SCOPE describes scopes such as blocks or procedures.
The attribute Env (for environment) which is inherited from the abstract type
ENV describes the set of objects that is visible at certain locations in a
program. Multiple inheritance is expressed by writing an arrow <- and a list
of abstract (base) types behind a type. A scope is supposed to reside in a
surrounding environment described by the attribute Env and to introduce a new
set of declarations represented by the attribute Objects. It computes a new
environment attribute NewEnv valid inside this scope by calling the external
function mEnv. The computation of the attribute Objects is a dummy to satisfy
the completeness requirement of attribute grammars.
The abstract type USE describes the application or use of objects. A con-
struct that uses an object has an attribute giving the identifier of the
object (Ident). This construct possesses an environment attribute Env that
describes all objects visible at this construct. The attribute Object is used
to refer to the symbol table entry of the used object. The external function
Identify takes the attributes Ident and Env as arguments and computes the
attribute Object. In case of the use of an undeclared identifier the CHECK
statement will issue an appropriate error message.
The attribute definitions in Example 3 use a few keywords. These associ-
ate so-called properties with the attributes. IN characterizes input attri-
butes that have already a value when attribute evaluation starts. The value is
usually supplied during tree construction. OUT characterizes output attri-
butes whose value is needed after attribute evaluation. Those attributes may
not be removed from the tree nodes by an optimizer. SYN and INH classify the
attributes as synthesized and ancestral.
Example 4 shows the connection of the abstract symbol table with the
abstract syntax of the language MiniLAX. The subset of the node type defini-
tions relevant for the symbol table problem is given. Whereas abstract types
are introduced with the symbol := the character = is used for node types.
A concrete list of declarations is described by the node type Decls which
is a subtype of the abstract type DECLS. A single declaration is described by
the node type Decl which inherits from DECL. Two specializations are derived
from the node type Decl describing two kinds of declarations: variables and
procedures (Var and Proc). Through inheritance from DECL every Decl specifies
already an identifier (attributes Ident and Pos) and a reference to a succeed-
ing declaration (attribute Next). Therefore the specializations have just to
add the missing components which is a description of the type in case of a
variable and the formal parameters, the local declarations, and the procedure
body (Formals, Decls, Stats) in case of a procedure.
Example 4:
MODULE AbstractSyntax
MiniLax = Proc .
Decls <- DECLS = <
NoDecl = .
Decl <- DECL = <
Var = Type .
Proc = Formals Decls Stats .
> .
> .
Stats = <
NoStat = .
Stat = Next: Stats <
Assign = Adr Expr [Pos: tPosition] .
Call <- USE = Actuals [Pos: tPosition] .
If = Expr Then: Stats Else: Stats .
While = Expr Stats .
Read = Adr .
Write = Expr .
> .
> .
Expr = [Pos: tPosition] <
Binary = Lop: Expr Rop: Expr [Operator: SHORTCARD] .
Unary = Expr [Operator: SHORTCARD] .
IntConst = [Value: INTEGER] .
RealConst = [Value: REAL ] .
BoolConst = [Value: BOOLEAN] .
Adr = <
Index = Adr Expr .
Ident <- USE = .
> .
> .
END AbstractSyntax
The language knows two locations where objects are used: at a procedure
call and at a variable occurring in an expression. Therefore the node types
Call and Ident are subtypes of the abstract type USE. The node type Call spe-
cializes the usage of an object by adding a list of actual parameters and an
attribute Pos which is needed for an error message.
The attribute computations in the attribute grammar for MiniLAX are
grouped into modules (see Example 5). We present excerpts from three modules
that are involved in the symbol table problem. The part of the module Decls
shown in Example 5 specializes the computation of the attribute Next:ObjectsIn
for the concrete declarations of the language. This way the information in the
symbol table is extended by the kind of the declared object, the type of vari-
ables, and the formal parameters of procedures.
The module named Env specifies all computations for the environment
attribute. It is reproduced completely. All node types whose subtrees can
contain applications of objects need an environment attribute Env and become
therefore subtypes of the abstract type ENV: Decls, Stats, Actuals, and Expr.
The first attribute computation of Proc connects the "interfaces" of the
abstract types DECLS and SCOPES. The attribute Decls:ObjectsOut is the col-
lected list of locally declared objects. It is assigned to the attribute
Objects which is required to hold this information from the point of view of
Example 5:
Proc = { Next:ObjectsIn := mProc (ObjectsIn, Ident, Formals); } .
Var = { Next:ObjectsIn := mVar (ObjectsIn, Ident, Type); } .
END Decls
Decls <- ENV = .
Stats <- ENV = .
Actuals <- ENV = .
Expr <- ENV = .
MiniLax = { Proc:Env := NoEnv ; } .
DECL := { Next:Env := NoEnv ; } .
Decl = { Next:Env := Env ; } .
Proc <- SCOPE = { Objects := Decls:ObjectsOut;
Stats:Env := NewEnv ;
Decls:Env := NewEnv ; } .
MODULE Conditions
Call = { CHECK IsObjectKind (Object, Proc)
==> Error ("only procedures can be called", Pos); } .
Ident = { CHECK IsObjectKind (Object, Var)
==> Error ("variable required" , Pos); } .
END Conditions
the abstract type SCOPE. SCOPE computes an attribute NewEnv describing the
objects visible inside the procedure. The value of this attribute is passed to
the attributes Stats:Env and Decls:Env to make the environment available for
the components of the procedure. The rules given in the module Env suffice to
specify all computations necessary for the environment attribute. The many
missing rules are inserted automatically by the tool ag as simple copy rules.
Finally, the module Conditions adds checks to the locations where objects
are used. The abstract type USE already checks whether an object is declared
or not. We still need to check if an object is of the right kind. This test is
performed by the external procedure IsObjectKind.
6. Comparison
This section compares object-oriented attribute grammars as introduced in
this paper with the well-known concepts of (attribute) grammars, tree and
record types, type extensions, and object-oriented programming. The goal is
to reveal the common properties as well as the differences among these con-
cepts. These areas are related because of the following reasons: attribute
grammars are usually based on context-free grammars. An attribute grammar
specifies an evaluation of attributes of a tree defined by such a context-free
grammar. Trees can be implemented using a set of record type declarations.
Therefore context-free grammars, trees, and record types deal more or less
with the same concept. Table 1 compares the most important notions from these
areas. Additionally we included the notions from the area of object-oriented
(oo) programming as described e. g. in [Bla89].
(attribute) grammars trees types oo-programming
rule node type record type class
attribute field in a node type record field instance variable
nonterminal set of node types union of record types -
terminal distinct node type record type without -
pointer fields
rule application tree node record variable object, instance
attribute computation - procedure declaration method
- - procedure call message
- - base type superclass
- - derived type subclass
- - extension inheritance
Table 1: Comparison of notions from the areas of grammars, trees, types, and oo-programming
Object-oriented attribute grammars are missing in Table 1. For them we
used the notions from attribute grammars and added the notions node type, base
type, subtype or derived type, and inheritance from the other areas.
6.1. Attribute Grammars
Conventional grammars in BNF allow several productions with the same non-
terminal symbol on the left-hand side. A node type in object-oriented attri-
bute grammars, which corresponds to a nonterminal as well as to a rule name,
has exactly one right-hand side. The selector names can be regarded as syn-
tactic sugar. To allow for several different derivations, a subtype relation
between node types is added. During a derivation, a node type may be replaced
by its right-hand side or by a subtype. Inheritance is a notation to factor
out parts that are common to several node types such as right-hand sides,
attributes, and attribute computations. Fortunately, attributes local to a
rule (node type) are possible without any special construct.
Object-oriented attribute grammars are a notation to write BNF grammars
in a short and concise way and where the underlying tree structure can be
exactly described. With respect to attribute grammars the same notational
advantages hold. Attribute grammars are a special case of object-oriented
attribute grammars. They are characterized by a one level subtype hierarchy,
right-hand sides and attribute computations are defined for subtypes only, and
attributes are associated only with base types. In terms of attribute grammar
classes or attribute grammar semantics object-oriented attribute grammars are
equivalent to attribute grammars.
6.2. Trees and Records
When trees are stored in memory, they can be represented by linked
records. Every node type corresponds to a record type. Object-oriented attri-
bute grammars directly describe the structure of attributed syntax trees. The
node types can be seen as record types. The right-hand side elements resemble
pointer valued fields describing the tree structure and the attributes are
additional fields for arbitrary information stored at tree nodes. The field
name and field type needed for record types are also present in the node types
of object-oriented attribute grammars.
6.3. Type Extensions
Type extensions have been introduced with the language Oberon by Wirth
[Wir88a, Wir88b, Wir88c]. They allow the definition of a record type based on
an existing record type by adding record fields. This extension mechanism
induces a subtype relation between record types. The subtype and inheritance
features are equivalent in object-oriented attribute grammars and type exten-
sions with the difference that Wirth uses the word extension in place of
inheritance and restricts it to single inheritance.
6.4. Object-Oriented Programming
The concepts of subtype and inheritance in object-oriented attribute
grammars and object-oriented programming have many similarities and this
explains the name object-oriented attribute grammars. The notions class,
instance variable, object, superclass, and subclass have direct counter parts
(see Table 1). There are also some differences. Object-oriented programming
allows an arbitrary number of named methods which are activated by explicitly
sending messages. In object-oriented attribute grammars there is exactly one
attribute computation for an attribute. This computation corresponds to an
unnamed method. There is nothing like messages: The attribute computation for
an attribute is activated implicitly and exactly once.
7. Summary
We presented object-oriented attribute grammars with single and multiple
inheritance. The distinction between abstract types and node types allows for
a restricted form of multiple inheritance that can still be implemented effi-
ciently. The nonterminals or node types are the entities constituting the
inheritance hierarchy. The items that are subject to inheritance are right-
hand side elements, attributes, and attribute computations.
Object-oriented attribute grammars are a compact and flexible notation
for language specifications. The repetition of information is avoided as com-
mon parts can be factored out. The reuse of definitions is supported - new
definitions can be derived from existing ones by specializations.
We extended the attribute evaluator generator ag to process object-
oriented attribute grammars with multiple inheritance. It turned out that it
is possible to generate efficient attribute evaluators for this kind of attri-
bute grammars.
While we are very satisfied with the advantages of single inheritance we
have just started to explore the feasibility of multiple inheritance. Our
current goal is to build a collection of attribute grammar modules containing
abstract types that model concepts of programming languages such as the dis-
cussed symbol table. Together with abstract data types these will result a
library of reusable parts oriented towards semantic analysis of programming
languages. If possible those parts will be designed to specify aspects of
semantic analysis independent of concrete languages.
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Abstract ........................................................ 1
Keywords ........................................................ 1
1. Introduction .................................................... 1
2. Single Inheritance .............................................. 3
3. Example ......................................................... 4
4. Multiple Inheritance ............................................ 5
5. Example ......................................................... 6
6. Comparison ...................................................... 10
6.1. Attribute Grammars .............................................. 11
6.2. Trees and Records ............................................... 11
6.3. Type Extensions ................................................. 11
6.4. Object-Oriented Programming ..................................... 11
7. Summary ......................................................... 12
References ...................................................... 12